CommonDoc ยป Extensions

Plotting with gnuplot

The common-doc-gnuplot system allows you to render plots using gnuplot commands from inside the document.


gnuplot plot.
  • path
    Path to file where the image will be stored.


Rendering a direction field:

set xrange [-10:10]
set yrange [-10:10]
set samples 25
set isosamples 25
set key off
dx(x) = x
dy(x) = 2*x
plot "++" using 1:2:(dx($1)):(dy($2)) w vec

The sine and cosine functions:

plot sin(x), cos(x)

Include Files

The common-doc-include contrib loads external text files into the document. The path attribute is the path to the file, and the optional start and end attributes can be used to specify a numeric range of lines.


Include an external file.
  • path
    Path to the local file to include.
  • start
    The line where the inclusion will start.
  • end
    The line where the inclusion will end.


The source code of this documentation uses common-doc-include extensively.

Split Paragraphs

The common-doc-split-paragraphs contrib splits text nodes on double newlines into separate paragraphs.


A regular expression that matches double newlines.
Recursively go through a document, splitting paragraphs in text nodes into paragraph nodes.


(defpackage split-paragraphs-example
  (:use :cl :common-doc)
  (:import-from :common-doc.split-paragraphs
(in-package :split-paragraphs-example)

(defvar *document* (make-content
                      (format nil "Some text.~%~%Some "))
                      (list (make-text "bold text")))
                     (make-text (format nil ".~%~%Other text.")))))

(dump *document*)

;; content-node
;;   text-node
;;     "Some text.
;; Some "
;;   bold
;;     text-node
;;       "bold text"
;;   text-node
;;     ".
;; Other text."

(setf *document* (split-paragraphs *document*))

(dump *document*)

;; content-node
;;   paragraph
;;     text-node
;;       "Some text."
;;   paragraph
;;     text-node
;;       "Some "
;;     bold
;;       text-node
;;         "bold text"
;;     text-node
;;       "."
;;   paragraph
;;     text-node
;;       "Other text."


The common-doc-tex contrib is just a couple of macros that expand to TeX notation. They are useful for two reasons:

  1. Using them is more semantic than using the resulting $...$ syntax.
  2. The macroexpansion can be overriden.


Inline TeX code.
    Block of TeX code.


      The following Scriba input:

      The derivative of a function @tex(f) at @tex(a), @tex(f'(a)), is
      f'(a) = \lim_{h \to 0} \frac{f(a+h)-f(a)}{h}

      Expands to the following:

      The derivative of a function $f$ at $a$, $f'(a)$, is
      f'(a) = \lim_{h \to 0} \frac{f(a+h)-f(a)}{h}